P. Broddus, …, U. Niedermayer, et al., „Sub-relativistic Alternating Phase Focusing Dielectric Laser Accelerators“, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2023)
S. A. Schmid and U. Niedermayer, Design Study of a Dielectric Laser Undulator, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 25, 091301 (2022)
K. J. Leedle, U.Niedermayer et al., “High Gradient Silicon Carbide Immersion LensUltrafast Electron Sources”, Journal of Applied Physics 131, 134501 (2022)
L. Wang, U. Niedermayer et al., Spatio-Temporal Coupling Controlled Laser for Electron Acceleration, Nat. Comm. Phys. 5, 175 (2022)
U. Niedermayer et al. “Beam Dynamics in Dielectric Laser Accelerators”, JINST 17 P05014 (2022)
R. J. England, U. Niedermayer et al., “Considerations for a TeV Collider Based On Dielectric Laser Accelerators”, JINST 17 P05012 (2022)
L. Vay, …, U. Niedermayer et al. “Modeling of advanced accelerator concepts”, JINST, 16, T10003, 2021
R. Shiloh, …, U. Niedermayer, et al. Electron phase space control in photonic chip-based particle acceleration, Nature 597, 498–502 (2021)
U. Niedermayer et al., „Design of a Scalable Integrated Nanophotonic Electron Accelerator on a Chip“
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 024022 (2021)
U. Niedermayer, D. Black et al. „Low-Energy-Spread Attosecond Bunching and Coherent Electron Acceleration in Dielectric Nanostructures“ Phys. Rev. Applied 15, L021002 (2021)
U. Niedermayer, T. Egenolf, and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Three Dimensional Alternating-Phase Focusing for Dielectric-Laser Electron Accelerators“, Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 164801 (2020)
T. Egenolf and U. Niedermayer, “Analytical energy spectra and wake effects for relativistic dielectric laser accelerators“ J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1596 012017 (2020)
B. Hermann, S.Bettoni, T. Egenolf, T. Feurer, F. Frei, U. Niedermayer, E. Prat, and R. Ischebeck, “Diagnostics for Electron Pulse Trains at SwissFEL Obtained by Energy Modulation in a Laser-Driven Dielectric Structure“, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1596 012046 (2020)
T. Egenolf, U. Niedermayer, and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Tracking with wakefields in dielectric laser acceleration grating structures“, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 054402 (2020)
B. Hermann, S. Bettoni, T. Egenolf, U. Niedermayer, E. Prat and R. Ischebeck, “Laser-Driven Modulation of Electron Beams in a Dielectric
Micro-Structure for X-Ray FreeElectron Lasers“, Nature Scientific Reports 9, 19773 (2019)
D. S. Black, U. Niedermayer, Y. Miao, Z. Zhao, O. Solgaard, R. L. Byer, and K. J. Leedle, „Net Acceleration and Direct Measurement of Attosecond Electron Pulses in a Silicon Dielectric Laser Accelerator“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 264802 (2019)
N. Schönenberger, A. Mittelbach, P. Yousefi, J. McNeur, U. Niedermayer and P. Hommelhoff, „Generation and Characterization of Attosecond Microbunched Electron Pulse Trains via Dielectric Laser Acceleration“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 264803 (2019)
U. Niedermayer et al., „Challenges in simulating beam dynamics of dielectric laser acceleration“, International Journal of Modern Physics A 34 1942031 (2019)
D. S. Black, K. J. Leedle, Y. Miao, U. Niedermayer, R. L. Byer, and O. Solgaard, “Laser-Driven Electron Lensing in Silicon Microstructures”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 104801 (2019)
P. Yousefi, N. Schönenberger, J. Mcneur, M. Kozák, U. Niedermayer, and P. Hommelhoff, “Dielectric laser electron acceleration in a dual pillar grating with a distributed Bragg reflector”, Opt. Lett. 44, 6, 1520-1523 (2019)
S. Patsch, U. Niedermayer, W. D. Stem, and O. Boine-Frankenheim, ”Computation of the Magnetization of Type II Superconductors for Potential Beam Screen Coatings of the Future Circular Collider” IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconductivity, 296, 8200810 (2019)
U. Niedermayer, T. Egenolf, O. Boine-Frankenheim, and P. Hommelhoff, “Alternating Phase Focusing for Dielectric Laser Acceleration”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 214801 (2018)
P. Yousefi, J. McNeur, M. Kozak, U. Niedermayer, F. Gannott, O. Lohse, O. Boine-Frankenheim, P. Hommelhoff “Silicon dual pillar structure with a distributed Bragg reflector for dielectric laser accelerators: Design and fabrication” Nucl. Inst. Meth. A, 909, 221-223 (2018)
P. Krkotic, U. Niedermayer, and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “High-temperature superconductor coating for coupling impedance reduction in the FCC-hh beam screen“, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 895, 56, (2018)
U. Niedermayer, T. Egenolf, and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Beam dynamics analysis of dielectric laser acceleration using a fast 6D tracking scheme”, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20, 111302 (2017)
U. Niedermayer, O. Boine-Frankenheim, and T. Egenolf, “Designing a Dielectric Laser Accelerator on a Chip”, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 874 012041 (2017)
T. Egenolf, O. Boine-Frankenheim, and U. Niedermayer, “Simulation of DLA Grating Structures in the Frequency Domain”, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 874 012040 (2017)
E. Metral, …, U. Niedermayer, et al., “Beam Instabilities in Hadron Synchrotrons“, invited paper, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS) 63, 2, (2016)
U. Niedermayer, O. Boine-Frankenheim, and H. De Gersem, “Space Charge and Resistive Wall Impedance Computation in the Frequency Domain using the Finite Element Method“, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 032001, (2015)
U. Niedermayer, L. Eidam, and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Analytic Modeling, Simulation and Interpretation of Broadband Beam Coupling Impedance Bench Measurements“, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 776, 129, (2015)
K. Klopfer, U. Niedermayer, H. Klingbeil, W. Ackermann, H. G. König, and T. Weiland, “Measurement of the Magnetic Material Properties for Ferrite-Loaded Cavities“, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 010101, (2015)
U. Niedermayer and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Analytical and Numerical Calculations of Resistive Wall Impedances for Thin Beam Pipe Structures at Low Frequencies”, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 687, 51, (2012)
Conference and School Proceedings, Newsletters, Lab Reports
S. Glukhov, …, U. Niedermayer et al., „Simulations of the compact transverse-deflecting system for ultra-short electron bunch diagnostic“, Proceedings of IPAC 2023
R. Dadashi Motlagh, …, U. Niedermayer et al., „Dielectric laser acceleration for dark sector studies“, Proceedings of IPAC 2023
J. Lautenschläger and U. Niedermayer, „FemtoTrack: A space-charge tracking tool for few-electron ultrashort bunches“, https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.06982 , 2023
Institute Seminar at IUAC, India, “Electron Beam Dynamics in Dielectric Laser Accelerators on a Microchip”, New Delhi, India, Nov. 24th 2021 (via Zoom)
DPG Young Scientist Award talk, “Electron Beam Dynamics in Dielectric Laser Accelerators on a Microchip”, via Zoom, hosted by Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Sept. 15th 2020
Popular science article “A pocket-sized particle accelerator”, TU Darmstadt hoch3 FORSCHEN, 12/17/2020, (available in German and English) https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/universitaet/aktuelles_meldungen/archiv_2/2020/2020quartal4/news_archiv_de_289344.de.jsp
Electrical Engineering Department Colloquium, Habilitation intermediate presentation, “Beam Dynamics in Dielectric Laser Accelerators: Towards the Accelerator on a Chip”, TU Darmstadt, 2019
Egenolf and U. Niedermayer, “Analytical energy spectra and wake effects for relativistic dielectric laser accelerators”, proc. of EAAC, Elba, Italy, 2019
Hermann, …, U. Niedermayer et al., “ Diagnostics for Electron Pulse Trains at SwissFEL Obtained by Modulation in a Laser-Driven Dielectric Structure“ proc. of EAAC, Elba, Italy, 2019
Egenolf, O. Boine-Frankenheim, and U. Niedermayer, “Intensity limits by wakefields in relativistic dielectric laser acceleration grating structures“, proc. of AAC, Breckenridge CO, USA, 2018
U. Niedermayer et al. , “Challenges in Simulating Beam Dynamics in Dielectric Laser Acceleration”, pleanry talk, ICAP, Key West, FL, USA, 2018
U. Niedermayer et al., “Optimization of Alternating Phase Focusing DLA Structures”, invited talk at AAC, Breckenridge CO, USA, 2018
T. Egenolf, O. Boine-Frankenheim, and U. Niedermayer, “Intensity limits by wakefields in relativistic dielectric laser acceleration grating structures“, proc. of AAC, Breckenridge CO, USA, 2018
K. Wooton,… , U. Niedermayer, et al., “Towards a fully integrated accelerator on a Chip: Dielectric Laser Acceleration (DLA) from the source to relativistic electrons”, proc. of IPAC Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017
U. Niedermayer, ”Bench Measurements and Simulations of Beam Coupling Impedance”, Proceedings of CERN Accelerator School on Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams, CERN Yellow Report, 2017
Niedermayer and E. Gjonaj, “Wake field and Beam Coupling Impedance Simulations”, invited paper for the ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter #71 on Collective Effects in Particle Accelerators, edited by E. Metral, 2016
F. Zimmermann, …, U. Niedermayer, et al., “Beam Dynamics Issues in the FCC“, Proc. of ICFA HB, Malmö, Sweden, 2016
U.Niedermayer, O. Boine-Frankenheim, and H. De Gersem, “Computation of Beam Coupling Impedance in the Frequency Domain by means of FIT and FEM“, Proc. of ICAP 2015, Shanghai, China, 2016
U. Niedermayer, L. Eidam and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Computation and Bench Measurements of Beam Coupling Impedance“, GSI annual report 2014
U. Niedermayer and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Beam Coupling Impedance Simulation in the Frequency Domain for the SIS100 Synchrotron“, Proc. of IPAC, Dresden, Germany, 2014
U. Niedermayer and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Estimation of Heat Load in SIS100 Kicker Magnets“, GSI annual report 2013
U. Niedermayer and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Numerical Calculation of Beam Coupling Impedances for the SIS100 Synchrotron for FAIR“, Proc. of ICFA-HB, Beijing, China, 2012
U. Niedermayer and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Numerical Calculation of Beam Coupling Impedance in the Frequency Domain using FIT“, Proc. of ICAP, Rostock, Germany, 2012
U. Niedermayer and O. Boine-Frankenheim, “Impedance Calculations for the SIS100 Beam Pipe“, GSI annual report 2011
U. Niedermayer, O. Boine-Frankenheim, and L. Hänichen, “Analytical and Numerical Calculation of Beam Coupling Impedances at Low Frequencies with Application to the Thin SIS100 pipe”, Proc. of IPAC, San Sebastian, Spain, 2011